Detective Sophie Allen novel 13, Heartless Crimes, published Thursday December 12th.
Buy your copy here:
UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DBGQ5M4R
US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DBGQ5M4R
Hello and welcome to my author website. Thank you for looking me up! I write crime/mystery stories which are more than simple whodunnits, stories that probe below the surface. I want my readers to feel part of the world that I create in my books, to relate to my characters and to be catalysed into feeling an emotional response to the events that I describe. I’d better explain that I dislike gender stereotypes and the portrayal of women as victims. Be prepared to meet women engineers and scientists, along with men who are receptionists. Victims may be from any gender.
You will find more about each of my novels on the NOVELS page, and more about me on the ABOUT page.
I’ve started a series of mystery novels for teenagers. To find out more please visit that page.
I’ve also written some free-to-read short stories, some of which flesh-out a selection of characters from my novels. A few have been written at the invitation of organisations and charities (One Hundred, Coming to Find You . . . , is an example). Some others have been triggered by unusual events that I have witnessed. Please look on the SHORT STORIES page or menu. I should warn you that The Crack in the Door is very hard hitting.
Please feel free to email me if you wish to send me a message about my books, about crime-writing in general or about anything else I’ve mentioned on these pages. I will always respond to messages and direct emails as quickly as I can.
My email address is michael@michaelhambling.co.uk
My use of social media is woefully inadequate. I just don’t like it. Social media platforms are leaky in terms of security and encourage knee-jerk comments, something I abhor.
The website for my publisher, Joffe Books, is: www.joffebooks.com Joffe Books publish a range of great novels so please have a look.