Category: Uncategorized

Amazon Reviews??!

Amazon reviews can be a mixed blessing. Most are written by genuine readers but sometimes authors doubt the honesty of some reviews. I find a small proportion of my reviews puzzling. Why would someone who despises my books want to write a 400-word essay venting their spleen about them, scattering insults and telling me to…

By admin November 14, 2022 0

Hidden Crimes Publication Date

I’m really pleased to announce that Hidden Crimes, my 11th novel in the Sophie Allen/Barry Marsh series, is due to be published by Joffe Books on Thursday 3rd November 2022. Pre-publication comments have been extremely encouraging. Sophie is now leading the Wessex Serious Crimes Unit, spread across the three counties of Dorset, Wiltshire and Somerset.…

By admin October 5, 2022 0

Hello and welcome to my author website

I write crime/mystery stories which, I hope, are more than simple whodunnits. I want my readers to feel part of the world that I create in my books, to relate to my characters and to be catalysed into feeling an emotional response to the events that I describe. I’d better explain that I dislike gender…

By admin July 7, 2022 0