Child Abuse at Children’s so-called Care Homes
Children punched and locked out naked in care homes rated ‘good’ – BBC News Please take the time to read this report, and note that the care staff were only paid £9.05 per hour. This, of course, maximised the profit for the care home owners. I’m speechless with anger.
New Year’s Day: An Adder Spotted on our Walk
We spotted the adder on the path from Swanage to Durlston country park, halfway between Southerd Farm and the coast path. A ranger at Durlston said that it was very rare to see an adder out in mid-winter but that the weather was very mild for the time of year.
Amazon Reviews??!
Amazon reviews can be a mixed blessing. Most are written by genuine readers but sometimes authors doubt the honesty of some reviews. I find a small proportion of my reviews puzzling. Why would someone who despises my books want to write a 400-word essay venting their spleen about them, scattering insults and telling me to…
My Short Q & A Interview on Joffe Books’ Blog
Q: Describe your latest book in three words. A: Tense; Tragic; Emotional. Q: What author, dead or alive, would you like to have dinner with? A: Hilary Mantel. I think her Wolf Hall trilogy is beyond genius. Q: Who would you want to play your main character in a film/tv adaptation — and why? A:…
Hidden Crimes Publication Date
I’m really pleased to announce that Hidden Crimes, my 11th novel in the Sophie Allen/Barry Marsh series, is due to be published by Joffe Books on Thursday 3rd November 2022. Pre-publication comments have been extremely encouraging. Sophie is now leading the Wessex Serious Crimes Unit, spread across the three counties of Dorset, Wiltshire and Somerset.…
Hello and welcome to my author website
I write crime/mystery stories which, I hope, are more than simple whodunnits. I want my readers to feel part of the world that I create in my books, to relate to my characters and to be catalysed into feeling an emotional response to the events that I describe. I’d better explain that I dislike gender…